Stairs to heaven

Shahar Jermen Kindler

Classic boot with integrated ‘stairs / steps / roofs’ hanging on a knee strap, as a mobile, 2022.

This construction creates a continuity of a fractal geometric body around the leg. When you unzip the body, the foot is exposed up to the ankle, as the steps collapse, and the body becomes flat. This simple mechanism enables the ‘dramatic effect’ which is built in the somewhat visible somewhat hidden, while the structure of the dynamic shoe changes along with the perspective that goes up and up towards ‘heaven’.

Part of the shoe design course ‘Transitions’ that focuses on the transitions and changes between the seen and the unseen, between the empty and the full, between the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional. Mentored by Eliora Lemmer Ginsburg, Bezalel, Department of Jewelry & Fashion.

Photo by Amit Bachar. Model Gil Ben Simon Kindler.

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