Titanium skeleton

Nadin Ram

The ‘skeleton look’ in this collection truly accentuates my fantasy of being ‘born in heels’ as they are the integral part of a woman’s body, 2020.

This collection uses anatomical and minimal structures which are printed in titanium for the purpose of ‘lifting’ and holding the foot in a high heel position. what connects between the foot and a titanium skeleton is an ‘anatomical foothold’ of a printed polymer that’s transparent to the human foot. The ‘tailor made foothold’ is mechanically separated into the titanium skeleton which can be replaced and exchanged to different colors, textures,or customizations in the sense of a soft and hard feel.

Materials: Titanium Ti-6AI-4V, polymer PLA Technology (Electron Beam Melting SYS).

Photo’s by Nadine Ram.

© 2025 Virtual Shoe Museum