Coeur d’Artichaud

Marie Weber

The collection ‘coeur d’artichaut’ reflects a sensitive world in which the body linked to nature is emerging an extreme poetry. The body is without any artifice, searching to deploy his self… in a enclosed space without landmarks. Like a butterfly which grows and is born from his cocoon. The shoes housed one of the most sensitive and sensual part of the body, like a cocoon which embrace the budding sensitivity and sexuality. This silky and natural cover of the feet reflects the idea of protection but also of preciosity.
It reflects the gentleness and bring us to be more attentive to the inside which is not revealed. The expression ‘coeur d’artichaut’ which indicates a sensitive person reflects exactly this collection. The shoe cover the feet and is also in a thermosensitive leather.

© Marie Weber

© 2025 Virtual Shoe Museum