Jim Sorensen

Jim Sorensen, founder of ‘Birds in Shoes‘.

Sorensen: ‘I’ve always enjoyed drawing. One day during our yearly art retreat that we do with a group of friends, it popped into my head to draw a kiwi in saddle shoes. I love the idea of the combination of realism and something unusual. I followed by drawing a raven in high tops and a stork in wingtips.  My wife suggested I post them on Facebook and that’s when ‘Birds in Shoes’ was born.

I was a corporate trainer for 40 years teaching communication skills which involved way too much travel and left little time for art except for that yearly art retreat. The pandemic changed all that and forced me into retirement which left me asking myself why I didn’t do it sooner. Now I have lots of time to enjoy drawing and hanging out with my wife. I hope you enjoy my Birds in Shoes as much as I enjoyed creating them.’
© Jim Sorensen.

© 2025 Virtual Shoe Museum