Jacob Mathew

Growing up, music and art provided a way for me to experience and express my life. I started out by listening and observing, but soon began experimenting and creating on my own.

By the age of 16, I was combining my passions to build my first speakers. This same year, I would get my first car, but not before picking out the stereo to go in it. In the years to follow, there would not be a car in my life that did not receive an arsenal of audio equipment. Becoming as fascinated with the machines that reproduce the music as the music itself, I began taking electrical engineering in college. While electronics maintained my attention throughout school, I eventually majored in marketing and began writing the business plan for what today would become Mathew Audio. As I graduated from college, I followed my bliss and enjoyed the next several years building custom car audio systems. In doing so, I learned to master the use of the multitudes of materials involved in producing the seamlessly integrated systems. It was during this time that I would have the great fortune of working with some of the most extraordinary individuals that to this day continue to challenge me to push the envelope of audio.

As I moved into the home that I presently reside, I began creating audio inspired furniture out of speaker components. As the collection grew, I decided to display my works under the veil of Psycho-acoustics. One of my creations, the music massage table, opened up an entire new way of experiencing music. Astounded by what I had discovered, I decided to attend massage school to learn the art of touch while attempting to create a modality of massage that could be performed in rhythm with the music being played through the table. While in school, I was blessed with the opportunity to work at one of the premier hi-end audio stores in the area. My appreciation for music and its sonic recreation was elevated to new heights. After graduating from massage school, I opened Soundsations, a spa created to provide the music massage experience. Being located in the art district of town, I used part of the space to unveil and display the latest speaker creations I had been working on. My passion for music and art is reflected in these acoustical sculptures in what has become the Mathew Audio Collection.

By Jacob Mathew

Stereo Stilettos

© 2025 Virtual Shoe Museum