Happy New Year!
We wish you a very happy, inspiring New Year with lots of new shoe adventures! At the moment we are working on the new version of the website that will be optimized for tablets and mobile phones. Next to this we are working on new shoe material for the website, various museum projects (involving hats and handbags next to the shoes), image research for the Workman Shoe calendars 2020. And this spring we have shoe lectures planned in Terschelling (NL) and in Belgium.
Overview of 2018 projects

Lecture – Materials day – Dutch Shoe Academy, Utrecht, NL
Judging – Craft the Leather, Milan, Italy
Shoe exhibition – HIGH HEELS, Die hohe Kunst der Schuhe, Lichtenwalde, Germany
Col-lec-tion creating of a giant boot at Dutch Shoe Academy showroom at C.A.S.T., Nieuwegein, NL
Col-lec-tion fair Buy & Bloom, Nieuwegein, NL
Lecture – Thessaloniki Shoe Museum, Thessaloniki, Greece
Judging – Dutch Shoe Academy, Utrecht, NL
Judging – SASK, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
Shoe exhibition – Jan Jansen Shoe Treasures at the Rozet during Fashion + Design Festival , Arnhem, NL
Col-lec-tion fair Buy & Bloom, Nieuwegein, NL
Paper shoe exhibition – See, walk and admire! at gallery Paper Art and Design, The Hague, NL
hat exhibition – Hats off to Hats! – Spielzeug Welten Museum, Basel, Switzerland
Lecture – Hiko Mizuno students from Japan at school for leather bagmaking Mrs. Rosehip, The Hague, NL
Lecture – International Shoe Congres – Izegem, Belgium
lectures – Bezalel Academy, Department of Jewelry and Fashion – Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel