Happy New Year!
2017 has been a busy and very successful year. With judging at design schools in The Netherlands and Belgium, working on a new set of Workman Publishers New York shoe calendars and 4 shoe exhibitions in Schloss Lichtenwalde in Germany, Műcsarnok Budapest in Hungary, College for Creative Studies Detroit in USA and Jan Jansen Shoe Treasures at Rokin75 in Amsterdam with a first ‘No More Shoes’ publication.
Big thank you!
I want to thank all artists and designers who have send/lend me their fabulous shoe designs digitally for the online collection or in real exhibitions. And I want to thank Brigitte Woischnik, Joyce de Gruiter, Aki Choklat and Amber Ambrose Aurèle for being my inspiring shoe buddy’s and exhibition partners. Charlotte Visser for her photograph and being my Col-lec-tion partner and of course my MultiMediaMan Taco Zwaanswijk, without you I could not have done this journey.

On this website and my social media I will for sure keep you posted on my new plans!
I wish you all a very Happy and Creative New Year!
Liza Snook