Cracow Fashion Week 21-29 March
An event that brings together fashion, art and education, organised by the Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design since 2010. Promotion of young artists, promoting Cracow as one of the fashion capitals and showing fashion as one of the visual arts are the main goals of the event. Shoe designer Amber Ambrose Aurèle and Liza Snook (Virtual Shoe Museum) will take place in the fashion award design jury.

Widely promoted by media the event gathers thousands of public for fashion shows,exhibitions, lectures, workshops and conferences. Cracow Fashion Awards Premiers a diploma show of Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design opens the event on the 21st of March and will be held in The Museum of Municipal Engineering.
Cracow Fashion Awards Gala in ICE Krakow – Congress Centre is opened for public and a limited number of tickets is available in InfoKraków Centres: ul. św. Jana 2 and InfoKraków Wyspiański Pavilion, pl.Wszystkich Świętych 2. Collections from Poland, England, France, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania will be presented during the show.
Exhibitions and events:
“FOCUS ON FASHION” – the international juried exhibition of fashion photography,
Museum of Municipal Engineering, address: ul. św. Wawrzyńca 15,
Exhibition will run from 12th March till 7th April 2015
The official opening of the exhibition will take place on 24th March 2015 at 7:00 pm.
“WILD IMAGINATION” – the international exhibition of fashion illustration,
Jewish Community Centre of Krakow, address: ul.Miodowa 24
Exhibition will run from 03 till 31 March 2015
The official closing of the exhibition will take place on 25th March 2015 at 6:00 pm.
“STEP BY STEP” – the international exhibition of shoe design,
Museum of Municipal Engineering, address: ul. św. Wawrzyńca 15,
Exhibition will run from 12th March till 7th April 2015
The official opening of the exhibition will take place on 24th March 2015 at 7:00 pm.
“WHAT’S UP” – photos of collections of Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design graduates,
Pauza in Garden, address: ul.Rajska 12
Exhibition will run from 4th till 30th March 2015
The official opening of the exhibition will take place on 26th March 2015 at 4:00 pm
“MORE AND MORE” – the exhibition of graduates’ paintings, photos and drawings
Cracow Shool of Art and Fashion Design, address: ul.Zamoyskiego 52
Exhibition will run from 9 March till 31st May 2015
“Fashion & Fantasy” – Exhibition of paper designs by students of Cracow School of Art
and Fashion Design
Galeria Kazimierz, address: ul. Podgórska 34, level 0
Exhibition will run from 18th March till 29th March 2015
The official opening of the exhibition will take place on 23st March 2015 at 1:00 pm
Guests of our event: Amber Ambrose Aurèle (Shoe Designer), Jerzy Antkowiak, Wojciech Bednarz (Vistula), Joanna Błażejowska-Pecorari (ASKA Paryż), Marcin Dąbrowski (stylista gwiazd i bloger Mr Dynamo), Hanna Gajos (Fashionweare, Rynek Mody), Wojciech Grzybała (Gala) IMA MAD, Joanna Hawrot (projektantka mody), Anna Jatczak (projektant mody), lIona Kanclerz (Modny Śląsk), Magda Korcz (Hush Warsaw), Ewa Kowalewska-Kondrat (krytyk mody,, Olka Kaźmierczak (Fashion PRGirl), Ewa Kosz (Ultra), Tobiasz Kujawa (krytyk mody,, Bianca Cimiotta Lami (Akademia Mody Koefia, Rzym), Agata Mayer (Fashion Culture Magazine), Krystyna Mazurówna, Maria Mrowca (Mrovca Fashion Design), Carol Morgan (Central St. Martins, Wielka Brytania), Monika Onoszko (onoMono Design), Jerzy Osika (Promedia), Karolina Pięch (Balenciaga), Anna Pięta (HUSH Warsaw), Anna Pirowska (DRESSAP), Lidia Popiel (, Liza Snook (Virtual Shoe Museum), Małgorzata Sobiczewska (est by eS.), Iga Szuchiewicz (Malgrau), Anka Letycja Walicka (projektantka mody), Daniel Wieleba, Dorota Wróblewska (Sophisti Group), Connie Viever (TECO), Michał Zaczyński (krytyk mody,, Aneta Zielińska (projektantka mody).
EXCIDIUM by Chris van den Elzen, on show a the “STEP BY STEP” exhibition, photo Charlotte Visser.